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Application Security Project
During my studies for my diploma and degree, I have worked on a number of projects. For each project, I have learnt some key takeaways that can be found at the project details page.
National University of Singapore
Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science
2022 - 2026
NUS Projects
As a student in the National University of Singapore, I pursued the bachelor of computing in computer science, where I further improved the skills I gained during my diploma studies in Nanyang Polytechnic.
Mercy Relief Design Project
Website and Employee Portal
Year 1
As a UI/UX designer in the NUS Google Student Developer Club, I worked on creating and improving the UI UX features for Mercy Relief's current website and new employee portal.
Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
2019 - 2022
NYP Projects
With no background in programming when I first entered Nanyang Polytechnic, I strived to learn fast and produce innovative solutions.
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