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During my studies for my diploma and degree, I have worked on a number of projects. For each project, I have learnt some key takeaways that can be found at the project details page.

National University of Singapore
Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science
2022 - 2026

NUS Projects

As a student in the National University of Singapore, I pursued the bachelor of computing in computer science, where I further improved the skills I gained during my diploma studies in Nanyang Polytechnic.

Mercy Relief Design Project
Website and Employee Portal


Year 1

As a UI/UX designer in the NUS Google Student Developer Club, I worked on creating and improving the UI UX features for Mercy Relief's current website and new employee portal.


In Progress

Employee Mobile App
Design Project


Year 1 Winter Break

During my winter break, I embarked on a mini project to learn more about the features available on Figma.


Nanyang Polytechnic
Diploma in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
2019 - 2022

NYP Projects

With no background in programming when I first entered Nanyang Polytechnic, I strived to learn fast and produce innovative solutions.

CTS Cyber Range Customisation Project

Python, TKinter

Year 3 Semester 1

As my final year project, I was tasked to work alone and produce Cyber Range materials for blue team practicals. These practicals are to be used by future batches of students. 


Cybersecurity Project

Flask, Python, TypingDNA, reCAPTCHA, Mailtrap,

Azure Backup

Year 3 Semester 1

In this group project, each member was tasked to implement a current security software to demonstrate the cybersecurity concepts.

The icons on the right show some solutions that I used.


Infosecurity Project

Flask, Python, MySQL

Year 2 Semester 2

In this group project, my group was tasked to produce a solution that ensures data privacy and security. Features included data masking, data backup, data encryption, and data detection.


Network Security Assignment

Cisco Networking

Year 2 Semester 2

In this individual assignment, I was tasked to design and implement a secured network infrastructure on packet tracer.


Applications Security Project

Flask, Python, SQLite Database

Year 2 Semester 1

In this group project, my team and I developed a secured API for a sports e-commerce company, together with a portal to manage the inventory, customers and staff in the company. 


Cryptography Tool

TKinter and Python

Year 2 Semester 1

In this individual project, I used TKinter to design and develop a tool that provides encryption and decryption techniques. The tool teaches users about the different types of attacks as well.


Applications Development Project

Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript

Year 1 Semster 2

In this group project, my team and I developed a website for a candy shop as well as a portal to manage the inventory and staff in the company.


UI/UX Design Prototype

Created using WIX

Year 1 Semester 2

In this group project, my team and i developed a prototype for a hotel website, applying the necessary UI/UX concepts.


Website Development Assignment

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Year 1 Semester 1

In this individual assignment, I developed a personal website with pages for games, jokes and health tips.

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