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Web Development Assignment


In this individual project, I used HTML, CSS and Javascript to design and develop a personal website.



  • Games

    • Breakout bricks​

    • Simon

  • Jokes

    • Riddles​

    • Gallery

  • Health tips​

  • About


To do something creative with the background of my website, I used javascript to code a colour changing background.


The games section on my website would definitely be the most interesting feature I have done.


I used javascript to develop the 2 games, breakout bricks and simon. HTML and CSS were used to format and design the game layout.

Breakout Bricks

Simon Game


The jokes section consists of riddles and a gallery of funny images and videos.


To create the riddles page, a used a HTML dropdown menu to display the answers when the question is being clicked on and CSS to design the page.

As for the gallery, I used HTML and CSS to format the images and videos.



The following are 3 samples displayed in the gallery.

Health tips

The health tips section teaches the user how to measure and interpret their body mass index (BMI).


To help users find out their BMI, I have included a calculator which tells the user the range they are in (eg. underweight, normal weight). If the user is not of normal weight, a suggested range for an acceptable weight based on their height is given.



The about page tells my visitors information about me. To create this page, I used HTML and CSS.

Key Takeaways from this Project

This individual assignment was my first main assignment using HTML, CSS and Javascript.


Through this assignment, I learned how to integrate Javascript codes with HTML and CSS so that my website would be able to function well with the layout.


To me, the toughest part of this assignment was coding the 2 games, breakout bricks and simon. As I had just started learning how javascript works, coding 2 games made me push myself to achieve what I thought was not yet possible.


During this assignment, I was also allowed to use my creativity because my teacher did not assign me a theme or focus. This meant that it was up to my creativity to decide on how much I wanted to push myself to do for this assignment.


Overall, I am very satisfied with the end result of my website.

WEBDEV Key Takeaways
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